

An interim biography

These are challenging times for intellectuals and all people of good will who want to commit themselves to promoting public and global well-being and global mental health enlightenment 2.0. for the sustainability of our world.
Datum dostave: 3-5 dana

These are challenging times for intellectuals and all people of good will who want to commit themselves to promoting public and global well-being and global mental health enlightenment 2.0. for the sustainability of our world. 

Idea for this book came from the editors desire to ponder and recognize the lessons and wisdom derived from Norman Sartorius s fighting for public and global mental helth.

This book aims to make you feel a part of this movement that is a legacy of Norman Sartorius.

These are challenging times for intellectuals and all people of good will who want to commit themselves to promoting public and global well-being and global mental health enlightenment 2.0. for the sustainability of our world. 

Idea for this book came from the editors desire to ponder and recognize the lessons and wisdom derived from Norman Sartorius s fighting for public and global mental helth.

This book aims to make you feel a part of this movement that is a legacy of Norman Sartorius.

Podaci o proizvodu
autori Miro Jakovljević
autori Vlado Jukić
Godina izdanja 2024.
ISBN 978-953-368-046-0
Opseg 358 str.
Težina 0,860 g
Format 17 x 24 cm
Uvez tvrdi
Podnaslov An interim biography
Opišite svoje dojmove
  • Samo registrirani korisnici mogu pisati recenzije
  • Loš
  • Odličan
Podaci o proizvodu
autori Miro Jakovljević
autori Vlado Jukić
Godina izdanja 2024.
ISBN 978-953-368-046-0
Opseg 358 str.
Težina 0,860 g
Format 17 x 24 cm
Uvez tvrdi
Podnaslov An interim biography
Ključne riječi proizvoda
Tečaj €/kn:   7,53450